Pricing and Currency
The price and currency of an item will vary depending on the country it is being shipped to.
In order to ensure the most accurate pricing, taxes and delivery costs are displayed while browsing our site.
Select your country at the bottom of any NONFICTION webpage and the prices and currency will adjust accordingly.
Payment Method
We accept payment via Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. All other credit cards, including American Express can be used at checkout via PayPal. Please note only one (1) form of payment method may be used on a single order.
Payment Error Troubleshooting
If you are attempting to checkout and receive the following error message ‘transaction cannot be processed’ please contact your bank in order for them to authorize the transaction.
If the error message states ‘transaction cannot be processed, contact customer care’ please contact us, and we will be able to further assist you.
Personal Information
All information shared with NONFICTION when placing an order is confidential. We use secure systems in order to insure that details pertaining to your accounts remain private. For more information on our secure network please visit our Terms & Conditions section.